Monday, March 14, 2011


Your wife’s two favourite shades of lipstick are green and light green .

Before you hit the road on vacation you conduct rehearsals, backbriefs, and cover your convoy checklist.

Your kids call the yard their AOR (AREA OF RESPOSIBILITY)

You require your mechanic to replace the sandbags in your floorboard as a part of a tune-up

Your station wagon is equipped with blackout lights

Your kids call their mother “Domestic Niner”

Your kids use the “f” word at least five times in every sentence

Your doorbell sounds off with the current challenge and password

Your house has range cards posted by every window

You give the command “Fix Bayonets” at Thanksgiving Dinner

You make your daughter fill out a leave pass on Prom Night

Your kindergartner call recess “Smoke Break”

Your wife calls foreplay “prepping the objective”

Your wife conducts an AAR (AFTER ACTION REVIEW) after sex

Your wife “takes a knee” in the checkout line at Walmart

Your kids salute their grandparents

Your wife’s “high-n-tight” is more squared away than your CO’s

Your kids recite their ABCs phonetically

You divorced your wife and then you held a “Change of Command” ceremony

All your possessions are military issue

Your daughter’s first hair cut was a flattop

Your kids pull fire piquet

Your older kids call the youngest one “FNG” (F**KING NEW GUY)

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