Tuesday, July 06, 2010

In Respect of the Loss of MCpl. Pat Audet & Cpl Martin Joannette

So very sad this week’s become for Canada weeps again
We cannot rest, our prayers flow forth
We need to stop this chain
These events have shattered our hearts and minds
As well it’s shattered theirs
Our Soldiers, our hearts who’ve stepped forth to serve
This has touched their deepest nerve
For to watch or learn of a friend so close
Lost in their efforts to defend
A better world, a kinder place
With a respect for all mankind
A world that stands and walks beside
Those needing to stand up on their own
Those who’ve been pushed and prodded down
That they feel safe within their home
Oh Lord though accidents happen
In these such dangerous tasks
It’s so hard to reconcile this loss
With so many in recent past
Of a country which thrives within in peace
They’ve stepped forth their light to shine
To show a world a better way
A right for all mankind
They will not be forgotten
These sons of Canada
The measure of this loss so dear
Such a burden to all of us
Your efforts will not be forgotten.
You are Canada, and you and your fellow troops are in our hearts.
MCpl Audet & Cpl Joannette were killed on 6 Jul 2009 when their Griffon helicopter crashed.
Master Cpl. Pat Audet and Cpl. Martin Joannette, we knew you not, but our prayers reach out for you, your loved ones, friends, and fellow soldiers. We do, so dearly, thank you and your loved ones for your efforts towards making our world a better place.
By: Roger Borchert
The Borchert Family Slave Lake Alberta